.. module:: qth_yarp ``qth_yarp`` API ================ Qth to Value Functions ---------------------- The following functions can be used to fetch a :py:class:`yarp.Value` representing Qth properties or event. .. autofunction:: get_property .. autofunction:: watch_event The next two functions use a :py:class:`yarp.Value` to set or send a Qth property or event. .. autofunction:: set_property .. autofunction:: send_event In all cases, the Values will not be updated, nor will value changes be sent to Qth until the :py:mod:`asyncio` mainloop is started. See :py:func:`run_forever`. Specifying the Qth Client ------------------------- The functions defined above accept a ``qth_client`` parameter giving the :py:class:`qth.Client` object to use. The following function can be used (before any calls to the ``qth_yarp`` functions) to specify a specific :py:class:`qth.Client` instance to use. .. autofunction:: set_default_qth_client If this function is not called, a Qth :py:class:`qth.Client` will be created automatically. To fetch the Qth instance used, call: .. autofunction:: get_default_qth_client Main-loop utility function -------------------------- As a convenience for simple scripts, the :py:mod:`asyncio` event loop can be run forever using the following function. .. autofunction:: run_forever